Lesson Policy

Cindy Wilhelm Irvine


As of January 1, 2016 the lesson policy is as follows:

1.      I may be contacted through the following methods:

Phone: 801-721-1869
This is where you can find the lesson policy, tuition prices, and other info. 

Facebook: Vocal Studio of Cindy Wilhelm Irvine

2.      There is a monthly TUITION fee of $100.00/30  min weekly lessons, and $160.00/ hourly weekly lessons. Payment is NOT “per lesson” it is “per MONTH!” This fee is due by the 1st of each month for the coming month’s lessons. NOT the first lesson of the month. (The envelope must be postmarked by the 1st) This means you pay in advance!!! After the 1st, an additional penalty fee of $5.00 PER WEEK will be imposed. The fee is charged starting on the 5th.  Students mailing checks need to have their checks postmarked by the 1st to ensure arrival by the 5th.
Please remember that this is a form of income for me and I rely on prompt payments- as do my own debtors. 

Please mail checks to:
Cindy Irvine
84372 Volare Ave
Indio, CA 92203

For an additional $2.00, you may choose to pay via PayPal as well.  PayPal charges me a fee for the service should     you choose to pay this way.  That is the reason for the fee.  My PayPal and Google Wallet address is:


3.      Pupils “buy” a 30 or 60 minute block of my time.  Please arrive promptly for your lesson.  This is YOUR time and “make-up” minutes will not be added to the end of lessons. Please allow for traffic and weather conditions so that you will not be in a rush. There are times when lesson time will be used to discuss goals and progression, therefore, the lesson starts at the allotted time, not when we start warm-ups.  .  If I am running behind, I will give each student their full 30 minutes.
4.      Rescheduling Lessons
The “rule of thumb” for rescheduling lessons goes as follows:
If YOU need to cancel a lesson:
Ø  If you need to cancel a lesson for ANY reason, please call, text or e-mail me AT LEAST 3 hours BEFORE your lesson time. Any lessons canceled after that 3 hour mark, no matter the circumstance will NOT be eligible for a make-up lesson.  I understand that emergencies happen and will take these into consideration on a case-by-case basis.
Ø  If you cancelled the lesson before the 3 hour mark, you can choose to either reschedule the lesson OR forfeit.  Monetary credits will NOT be given for lessons cancelled by the student.
If I need to cancel a lesson:
·        I will call, email or text you. Although I will try to contact you as early as possible, please understand that I have multiple students to contact for just one day of lessons. 
·        I will give you an opportunity to either reschedule the lesson, OR receive a credit for the following month’s tuition.
30 min lessons = $25/ lesson
60    in lessons = $40/lesson
5.      I will not give refundsIf you choose to cancel or stop lessons for longer than 2 weeks, please provide 30 days PAID notice.  If you choose need to take a break from lessons for an extended period of time you can:
·        Pay to reserve your spot and make up or forfeit the lessons
·        Give your 30 day notice and resume lessons at a later period with a new time slot.
6.      5th Weeks- You pay for an average of FOUR lessons in a month for a total of 48 lessons per year.  Every few months there is an extra week in the month. To avoid having to charge for an extra lesson on these weeks, I choose 4-5 weeks in the year to “take off.”  These lessons do not need a make-up.  This can get confusing because it usually means that you will have 3 lessons in one month and 5 lessons in another month. 

Other holidays such as Memorial Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving will be rescheduled on an individual basis for the Saturday following the holiday.
Payment for each month will remain the same no matter the number of lessons. This is to simplify the payment process. Example:You might pay for 4 lessons in one month, but only have 3 lessons.  HOWEVER, the following month, you will STILL pay for 4 lessons but have 5 lessons.
7.      Every March, I charge an additional music fee of $15.00 per student as a contribution towards the costs of replacing and buying music, paper, and ink for the copier.  This payment is due with the lesson payment in MARCH. 
8.      Each student is expected to provide a notebook used specifically for lessons and a three ring binder to hold music.
9.      Progress can be measured by the amount of effort put in at home.  Students must trust and practice what they have been taught.  I teach reliable methods of singing which are safe for the vocal chords.  I reserve the right to drop students that are not progressing.
10.   As a teacher, I am required to touch the student on their shoulders back and stomach, to ensure proper breathing and support. 
11.   I expect to have a relationship of trust with my students.  Progress cannot be made if student and teacher do not trust each other.  We will choose singing assignments together, under my guidance. Please feel free to discuss any problems or concerns that you might have in relation to your lessons. 

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