Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Now Accepting New Students

Image result for Welcome!

It's that time again!!
I have spots open for 4 new students!!  

Get them before they are gone! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

July Newsletter

Hello Students!!

June went by super fast!! I hope you are all enjoying your Summer!!!

There are just a few- but important- announcements for July.

·       I’m MOVING!  I’m pretty sure that I have talked to everyone about this.  I will be moving to California on August 1.  This doesn’t affect online students.  You will all have your lessons as scheduled.  Utah students are welcome to make the transition to online lessons, if you would like. Please let me know ASAP if you would like to.  I am hoping to compile a list and send instructions to you.  Also, please don’t feel like you have to commit to a certain amount of lessons.  If you want to try  it for a month and see how it goes, that is just fine!

·       There are NO LESSONS the week of July 27-31.  This is a 5th week and will not need a make-up.  Students with lesson times on Monday and Tuesday will be using June 29 and 30th as “July lessons” instead of June.

·       When arriving to lessons, please make sure you arrive as close to your assigned time as possible. You are welcome to come in 5 minutes before your lesson time. Any earlier can make the student before you a little uncomfortable. The same should be applied to staying after your lesson time as well.

·       Finally, I know that you want to have as much time as possible to sing during your lesson.  However, please do not wait until the END of your lesson to inform me of scheduling changes that need to happen.  This takes time away from the lesson after you. Also, please be considerate of my personal time. I often receive texts or phone calls early in the morning, or late in the evening or night. I thought it might help if I set OFFICE HOURS.  Therefore, you may contact me from 12:30-2:00 daily, and from 5:30-6:30 on weekdays.  Outside of those hours and on weekends, I will be spending time with my family and will not respond until my earliest convenience. HOWEVER, the BEST time to work out scheduling conflicts is DURING YOUR LESSON TIME!  If it will only take a few minutes, I suggest taking care of things at this time. Otherwise, please try to contact me during the early afternoon or evening.

Thanks so much! Again, let me know if you are planning on online lessons.  I have been teaching online for 5 years and find it to be successful.  I do believe that it takes a certain personality though. If you choose not to do online lessons, I am contacting other teachers in the area and requesting their help in placing you.

Please let me know if you have any questions!! 


Thursday, May 28, 2015

June Newsletter

Image result for olaf in summer

Hey folks!  Welcome to SUMMER!!  Time of crazy vacations, swimming, and total “boredom” all around!
Just a few reminders for voice lessons during the summer.

1.    Lesson times will remain as scheduled.  I have adult students that take lessons, and they can only come after work.  So, I keep everyone in the afternoon and early evening.

2.    If you go on vacation, make sure that you let me know so that we can reschedule your time.  Remember, lessons are NOT made up if you forget a lesson or cancel after the 3 hour grace period.

3.    I will NO LONGER be calling students to remind them that of their lessons.  This means that if you forget, you won’t get a text or call from me, and you will STILL be charged for the lesson time. This also means that you will want to double check lesson times if you aren’t sure of your slot.

Other than that!  I hope that everyone enjoys their summer!!!  Don’t forget June payment is due by the 1st!  Get it to me by the 5th to avoid a late fee!


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