Monday, April 28, 2014

May Newsletter

Summer is just around the corner, and THAT means that CrAzY Summer Schedules come along with it! Because I teach ALL ages, lesson times will remain in the afternoon to help accommodate the adults that have to come after work. If you cannot keep your current time during the summer, please let me know ASAP and we will work something out.


May Payment is due by the 1st, with a late fee added on the 5th! Remember, it's $5.00 late fee after the 5th, $10 after the 10th, $15 after the $15 and $20 if I don't get it by the 20th.


  • I had the opportunity to see one of my students, Kyle Olsen, play Jean ValJean in Hale Centre Theatre's production of Les Miserable. It reminded me of how hard work and dedication can really pay off!  You are all doing such great things! I am so proud of you!
  • Speaking of Kyle, if you have lessons on THURSDAY between 2:30-6:30, Kyle will be sitting in to observe.
  • The next "extra" week will be over the June 30-Jul 4.  Keep that in the back of your mind. ;) 
  • Memorial Day- We will NOT have lessons on Memorial Day.  I am hoping to reschedule the Monday students to MAY 24th between 9:00-noon. Please contact me for a time via my email.


Finally, I wanted to announce that I have been approved as a teacher for a company called Let's Play Music.  If you have not heard of this company, it is a school for 4-7 year old kids.  During their 3 years of school, they learn music theory, appreciation, composition, rhythm, singing, and keyboard skills.  It is a great program and I am proud to now be a part of it.  I had to go through a vigorous interview process and am still in the training stages.  I will be certified by the end of the summer and will be registering students for my first classes in June or July.

I will be holding sample classes and an open house in June for those that are interested. If you know of people in the Davis County area that have kids that are these ages, you will FOR SURE want to let them know about this program! Thanks a bunch!


 If you choose to discontinue lessons for longer than 2 weeks, you still owe the full amount for the month of which you cancelled. I will not give refundsIf you choose to stop lessons, you must please provide 30 days PAID notice. All other lessons can be made up.

**Did you read this all the way through???  Send a text to me with the pass code "MAYDAY" for $5 off a late fee!**  (This would be great for those that have a tendency to be a week late...or two...or three.....!!!

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