Thursday, August 28, 2014

September Newsletter

Hey Folks!I hope that you are all used to your new teachers, schools, and schedules!  Make sure that you know when you VOICE LESSON is!  We had a lot of times change in September, so if you aren't sure, let me know.


  • There are STILL lessons being taught on Labor Day!  Let me know if you need to reschedule. 

  • There has been a problem with students paying late. Not just a little late, but WEEKS late.  PLEASE remember that this is a source of income for my family and we RELY on your PROMPT PAYMENT so that WE can pay OUR bills on time.  Things get sticky when I go to pay a bill from voice lesson money and there isn't any money there because YOU have not paid on time. Payment is due BY the FIRST of the month- NOT THE FIRST LESSON! This is in the lesson policy and has ALWAYS been this way.

  • IF you are making a late payment, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE LATE FEE!! Late fees are $5 on the 5th, $10 on the 10th, $15 on the 15th, $20 on the 20th, etc... that means that if you are 3 weeks late, YOU OWE $15 in late fees!  If you are TWO MONTHS late, you owe $40 in late fees!!!!    

  • Finally, if you miss a lesson without alerting me 3 hours previous, YOU DO NOT GET A MAKE UP, and you STILL owe the lesson fee.  A couple of months ago, I reminded you that if you cancel a lesson, you can forfeit or make up the lesson, you will NOT get a credit. If you miss, forget, or cancel after the 3 hour grace period, you DO NOT get a make-up, the lesson is automatically forfeited. If I must cancel a lesson, you can CHOOSE a credit or a make up.  If I cancel at the last minute, you get a credit for the lesson unless you specify that you would like to still make it up. 
  • I have cleaned house and have a FEW spots open on Wednesdays and Fridays.  These will go FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.  If you refer someone that signs up, you DO get a FREE lesson- make sure that they let me know that you referred them! 

Please take the time to RE-READ the lesson policy that can be found HERE.

I'm excited for this new year and look forward to working HARD with you guys!

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