Friday, December 19, 2014

JANUARY 2015!!

Oh my goodness!!  The year is almost over!!

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season! Here are some reminders for the end of the year and the beginning of next year!

  • There are NO LESSONS for the next TWO WEEKS!  We have made these lessons up throughout the past few months, so don't worry about make-ups. I will see you the first FULL week in January!
  • Monday Students:  You should have worked out a make up or credit for January 5th.  We will not be having lessons that day.
  • January payment is STILL DUE by the 1st!  Make sure you drop it in the mail or to my house to avoid the LATE FEE!!  *insert dramatic music*
  • Look for a new and revised LESSON POLICY starting in January! Don't worry, I'm not raising my prices!!!  ;) 
  • Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts and treats!  You guys are the best!

You ALL should be singing a Holiday Song for the family at your party!  I can't wait to hear how it went!

See you NEXT YEAR!!!  HA HA HA!! or is it HO HO HO!! 


Monday, December 1, 2014

December Newsletter

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Sorry that this is a bit late getting to all of you! Just a few reminders for this month!

  • Unless I have said otherwise to you directly, payment for December will be the FULL amount! We will only have THREE (3) lessons this month, but we had FIVE lessons in September/October to make up for the missing lesson this month. 

  • There will not be lessons from December 21-Jan 3.  NO MAKE UP NEEDED.

  • MONDAY STUDENTS: I will be gone on January 5th and would like to make up that lesson later on that week if possible. We can schedule that lesson as it gets closer, but I wanted to give you a heads up. 

Congratulations to the Upscale Singer Scholarship winners!!! You guys make me so proud!  
          Sophia Humbert- 1st Place 
          Ally Lane- Honorable Mention

I hope that you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and that this Christmas season gives you even more time to spend with your families!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

November Newsletter


  • As October comes to a close, and the leaves change on the trees, I am reminded that the holiday season is upon us!  Although that means gratitude, giving, and happiness, it ALSO means choir concerts, Christmas parties, and re-scheduling lessons!  AHHH! Let's try to get as many of your conflicts taken care of ASAP.  Remember, if YOU cancel a lesson, you get a make up or can choose to forfeit, but you do NOT get a credit for it. So, you will want to make sure that you are "on the ball" with scheduling.
  • I have openings in my studio for students 16 years of age and older. If you refer someone that signs up for lessons, YOU get a FREE lesson!  Spread the word! Thank you to Ashlee Dorius who referred a new student this month! Take that credit Ashlee!! 
  • We have some students that are auditioning for their very first time this month!  We also have some experienced students waiting to hear back on some other important auditions!  Keep your fingers crossed for them! 
  • Congrats to Sonia Tomaso for making the Arizona All-State Show Choir!!  You are AWESOME! 


  • The week of Thanksgiving is always CRAZY!  As a reminder, I WILL be teaching on Wednesday November 26th and Friday November 28th. If you would like to reschedule your lesson, please do so ASAP.

  • If your lesson falls on Thanksgiving, I will be re-scheduling those lessons for the following Saturday, November 29th. Those will be scheduled over the next couple of weeks, during your normal lesson time. 

  • Tuition is DUE BY THE 1st!  Be sure to get it in the mail, PayPal, etc. Due to my illness this past month, a lot of you chose to take a credit for November. If you have questions about how much you owe please contact me. 


With schedules getting busier, it will become harder to find time to practice!  Try singing in the car, in the kitchen while baking, or in the shower!  :) The important thing is that you get your practicing time in!

Is there something that you would like to see change in the lesson policy or in your lessons?  Drop me an email and let me know about it!  I'm always looking for ways to make things easier or better for you guys!  (No, I won't assign rap songs.... so, don't ask.)

Here's to an awesome month of November!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Anatomy of Singing

So, how exactly does the voice work?

Well, as we inhale, the diaphragm muscle contracts causing the lungs to expand and air to be drawn into the lungs. As we exhale, the diaphragm will relax and move upward reducing the size of the lungs and causing air to be expelled from the lungs.

This exhaled breath is then forced out along the trachea, and through the vocal folds, which are capable of vibrating at an incredibly fast rate. For voice to exist at all, the vocal folds must vibrate and it is at this point that the vibration of the vocal folds, coupled with the power of the exhaling breath gives rise to the creation of vocal sound.

This sound is then shaped by the manipulation of the various structures along the vocal tract, such as the position of the tongue, and the larynx, etc. The articulators are the cheeks, tongue, teeth and lips and they all contribute to vocal articulation, whereas the sinus, chest, laryngeal and pharyngeal cavities all act as resonating chambers for the voice.

It is through the repetition of exercises, designed specifically to strengthen the larynx and the diaphragm, that the voice is trained. The singer is able to control the muscles in the diaphragm and the vocal tract resulting in increased quality of vocal tone and more power of vocal projection.

The Vocal Folds

Sound occurs as a result of vibration. This is true throughout all of Nature and is evident in a myriad of different forms. The human voice is no exception.

We have all heard of the term “vocal chords”. Current pedagogy, however, describes them as Vocal Folds, due to the malleable nature of their ligament-like structure.

The vocal folds attach to the front of the larynx at the Adam’s Apple (or thyroid cartilage) - and at the rear of the larynx, via the arytenoids, to the cricoid cartilage. Here the folds can come together and move apart, allowing for breathing and sound production.

The Larynx
The primary function of the larynx is to protect the airways and stop food entering into the lungs. The larynx itself is protected in the neck by an increase in muscle, cartilage and bone. The provision of sound is a secondary function of the vocal folds.

The vocal and vestibular folds close during the acts of swallowing, coughing, excreting, giving birth and when pushing or lifting heavy objects etc. This closing is called constriction. 

As we can see here, the vocal folds are suspended over the open space of the trachea, where they act as a sort of portal, through which all the air that comes into and goes out from the body must pass. We can also see the vestibular or false vocal folds which sit just above the delicate vocal folds, protecting them from damage through strain and swallowing. This is where constriction of the voice and the optimum retraction of false folds occurs.

The Lungs and the Diaphragm
Breath is crucial to the fundamental workings of the voice. Without breath there would be nothing to power the voice, or even to ensure that the vibration of the vocal folds can be heard. The Thoracic Diaphragm is a trampoline-like rainbow-shaped muscle stretched across the abdominal cavity, separating the organs of the chest cavity from those in the lower abdominal cavity. The movement of this muscle allows the lungs to expand and contract during the process of breathing.
The commonly heard phrase “Singing from the diaphragm” means that by expanding the abdomen during inhalation, increasing the rate of contraction in the diaphragm and taking more air into the lungs, the singer is able to provide more power, through increased breath support, and control through strengthening of the diaphragm muscle. We will cover proper use of the diaphragm later on.

The Sinus Cavities

Sinus cavities are found within the bone structure of the face, where they act as acoustic resonating chambers, adding higher frequencies and increasing the brightness and vitality of the sound.
The Sinus cavities are spaces in the skull which have various purposes such as airflow, drainage, etc.
Allowing the sound to come forward into the sinus cavities can help a student with volume as well as make it easier to sing certain pitches and placements.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October Newsletter

I can't believe this year is almost over!  As the leaves change color and the air gets crisp, I have a sense of excitement for the holiday season that will soon be here!  That also means that we will have some CrAzY schedules! Between holiday parties, school finals, and bad weather, I'm sure that we will all see our fill of re-scheduling lessons!

  • As a reminder, remember that lessons can be rescheduled as long as I have 3 hours notice!! After that, the lesson is automatically forfeited.

  • As usual, if YOU need to cancel lessons, you can re-schedule (with 3 hours notice) or choose to forfeit the lesson. 

  • If I need to cancel a lesson, you can choose to reschedule, or credit the lesson in the following months tuition. 

Tuition is due TOMORROW!!  The late fee will be applied if I receive the check after the 5th of the month! There is a late fee of $5 PER WEEK that the payment is late... Don't let this be you!!

That's all for now folks!


Thursday, August 28, 2014

September Newsletter

Hey Folks!I hope that you are all used to your new teachers, schools, and schedules!  Make sure that you know when you VOICE LESSON is!  We had a lot of times change in September, so if you aren't sure, let me know.


  • There are STILL lessons being taught on Labor Day!  Let me know if you need to reschedule. 

  • There has been a problem with students paying late. Not just a little late, but WEEKS late.  PLEASE remember that this is a source of income for my family and we RELY on your PROMPT PAYMENT so that WE can pay OUR bills on time.  Things get sticky when I go to pay a bill from voice lesson money and there isn't any money there because YOU have not paid on time. Payment is due BY the FIRST of the month- NOT THE FIRST LESSON! This is in the lesson policy and has ALWAYS been this way.

  • IF you are making a late payment, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE LATE FEE!! Late fees are $5 on the 5th, $10 on the 10th, $15 on the 15th, $20 on the 20th, etc... that means that if you are 3 weeks late, YOU OWE $15 in late fees!  If you are TWO MONTHS late, you owe $40 in late fees!!!!    

  • Finally, if you miss a lesson without alerting me 3 hours previous, YOU DO NOT GET A MAKE UP, and you STILL owe the lesson fee.  A couple of months ago, I reminded you that if you cancel a lesson, you can forfeit or make up the lesson, you will NOT get a credit. If you miss, forget, or cancel after the 3 hour grace period, you DO NOT get a make-up, the lesson is automatically forfeited. If I must cancel a lesson, you can CHOOSE a credit or a make up.  If I cancel at the last minute, you get a credit for the lesson unless you specify that you would like to still make it up. 
  • I have cleaned house and have a FEW spots open on Wednesdays and Fridays.  These will go FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.  If you refer someone that signs up, you DO get a FREE lesson- make sure that they let me know that you referred them! 

Please take the time to RE-READ the lesson policy that can be found HERE.

I'm excited for this new year and look forward to working HARD with you guys!

Monday, July 28, 2014

August Newsletter

School is about to start!  Can you believe how fast this Summer went by?  I will be grateful for some schedule consistency though!  This Summer has been CrAzY!


*I am in our new place!  For those that travel to lessons, make sure that you come to the right spot! The address is on Mutton Hollow Rd in Kaysville.  Let me know if you need specifics!

*Also, I am looking into taking payments via other sources such as Google Wallet, and Venmo!  If anyone has experience with these, I would love to hear about it!

*As always, I clean out my roster at the beginning of the school year.  This means that there will be some openings!!!  Hooray!  Make sure to tell your friends and family all about how much you like taking lessons! ;) Let's get those spots filled up!

*August payment is due BY THE 1st!  Late fees will be added for payments received after the 5th.


Don't forget that if your payment is late, there is a $5 late fee PER WEEK that the payment is late!  This means that if it is a month late, you have a $15 late fee! Those can add up quickly, so make sure that you get your payments in on time!  PLEASE remember that I use this as a form of income and therefore rely on timely payments... as do my own debtors.

Monday, June 23, 2014

July Newsletter

Whew!! What a whirlwind of a Summer it has been!  It has been so fun hearing about all of your vacations!  It makes me jealous!  Doesn't someone want to take me WITH them??

This newsletter will be short and sweet!


NEXT WEEK (June 30-July 4) is an EXTRA week!  NO LESSONS!!!  That also means that we don't have to worry about make-ups either.

JULY payment is due by the 1st!  Avoid those late fees by sending your payment now!  Contact me with any questions.


I am FINALLY moving!!  If you come to lessons in Utah, note that I will be teaching from a new place starting in July! The address is:
649 E Mutton Hollow Rd

Don't forget and come to my parents' house!  I won't be there!! ;)


Monthly payments are due BY THE 1st of the month!!  A lot of students are "summer slacking" with their payments.  Those late fees pile up fast.  It is $5 PER WEEK that the payment is late!  Don't fall victim to this. Also, remember that students are only offered lesson credits for lessons that I cancel.  Other than that, you can make up the lesson or forfeit the lesson. So:

If I have to cancel a lesson: You get to make up OR credit
If YOU cancel a lesson: You get to make up OR forfeit

Ease Peasy!

I hope that you all are having an awesome Summer!


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