I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season! Here are some reminders for the end of the year and the beginning of next year!
- There are NO LESSONS for the next TWO WEEKS! We have made these lessons up throughout the past few months, so don't worry about make-ups. I will see you the first FULL week in January!
- Monday Students: You should have worked out a make up or credit for January 5th. We will not be having lessons that day.
- January payment is STILL DUE by the 1st! Make sure you drop it in the mail or to my house to avoid the LATE FEE!! *insert dramatic music*
- Look for a new and revised LESSON POLICY starting in January! Don't worry, I'm not raising my prices!!! ;)
- Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts and treats! You guys are the best!
You ALL should be singing a Holiday Song for the family at your party! I can't wait to hear how it went!
See you NEXT YEAR!!! HA HA HA!! or is it HO HO HO!!